
"Start with Why" is the title of Simon Sinek's first and most popular business book ... having earned a spot on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller list. in his book ... Simon Sinek has researched ... that those leaders who’ve had the greatest influence in the world ... all think, act, and communicate the same way ... and it’s the opposite ... of what everyone else does. he calls this powerful idea The Golden Circle which provides a framework upon which organizations can be built ... movements can be led ... and people can be inspired.

And it all starts with WHY

an example

explaining all this goes beyond the scope of this article ... for that we highly recommend you to read this book ... as its use stretches beyond business ... and can help us in our daily lives. so let's just illustrate that with a very simple and clear example ... of a company that most of you must be familiar with ... Red Bull.

Red Bull sells billions of cans on a yearly basis ... so at first ... it might seem quite strange ... to state that Red Bull is not there to sell cans.  yet this is what they do ... one will rarely see commercials ... or marketing efforts ... geared at explaining all the features of functions of their energy drinks. who cares anyway? stronger still ... focusing on those aspects could even lead to adverse affects amidst our health conscious society. in the meantime ... many other companies (Monster, ... ) offer the same type of drinks ... so what would make Red Bull any different ... if one would focus on the "what".

instead ... Red Bull expresses its why as ... we are here to give you wings. it's omnipresent ... in everything they do and say ... all over the place ... one cannot really miss it. it explains why Red Bull invests heavily in extreme sports ... to show that the impossible becomes possible ... of course the only thing needed to accomplish that ... is to drink (and buy) a Red Bull can ;-)  maybe what's lesser known ... is that to this purpose ... Red Bull even operates a separate dedicated company called Red Bull Media House GmbH ... whose sole mission is ... to create awesome Red Bull content ... all geared to give Red Bull those cool wings.

one could call all this a clever marketing trick ... and for sure it is ... but this stretches far beyond that. such a "why" allows Red Bull attract the best talent ...  of the same type and breed that align and identify with that vision ... and engrain that in its corporate culture. it permeates the entire enterprise ... and strangely enough ... because one never knows where the journey leads itself to ... a peculiar side effect ... is that several of these so-called "non-core" businesses ... become highly profitable on their own ... such as the Red Bull Oracle F1 Team ... and yet they all sustain the main Red Bull credo ... from a marketing perspective.  marketing as a profit ... instead of a cost ... pretty genius that is



of course we are not Red Bull ... we are #gothaforce ... barely even started ... all the more reason to stay humble, learn, grow and walk before we can run ... our journey has only begun ... but what we do know so far ... is that we spent an enormous of amount time ... to align everybody on the vision ... because it a vision worth pursuing. 

a lengthy essential ... at times cumbersome ... yet worthwhile process. breaking the status quo does come with a lot of "nay-say" and "non-belief" ... yes some didn't buy into it ... for whatever reason ... for sure that's a loss ... but then again ... mission stands ... there is no I in gothaforce ... and no individual should ever compromise that.

our belief is ... that a scale model kit is not about putting ... some 99 or so pieces of plastic together ... it is a window to the world ... whether that be in the present ... or the past.

now let the pioneering age of aviation ... be a particular exciting chapter in our history ... many reasons for which are presented on our #gothaquest page. while we do not want to restrict our offering to the Great War ... quite on the contrary ... it goes without saying ... that wars have proven to have an accelerating effect on innovation

yet despite all these great assets ... WWI aviation is still a small niche in our hobby ... with such self destroying prophecy effects ... such as it being ill-treated in the entire supply chain ... ultimately leaving the end consumer ... the early aviation fan ... to his/her own devices ... that's a shame ... because he/she deserves better.


we are here ... to inspire you ... about the pioneering age of aviation

let's sum up ... what that means ... and what we stand for

  • scale model kits ... whereas they may seem core ... are just one way of expressing the DNA of that fascinating era ... there are many more ways to embody that ... and appeal to a wider audience ... whether that be in age ... or diversity ... our offering will simply reflect that
  • in today's society ... where folks seems to be addicted to numb 6.1 inch screens ... the ability to build something ... may be a welcome change ... as it stimulates creativity ... entrepreneurship ...  our offering will simply reflect that
  • in our hobby ... where we have had to experience .. that levels of ego appear to be in sharp contrast ... with the level of professionalism ... we have the intent to show that teamwork ... can help our hobby forward ... now whether that be about Albatros D.III's ... Tiger's ... Gunpla ... Spit's ... let's unite and show that our hobby deserves a much better place ... than the nerdy character ... it is all too often attributed to ... our approach will simply reflect that ... we are inclusive ... and welcome everybody that subscribes to that vision


what's up ...

so today ... after a very lengthy process ... we are proud to finally let it loose ... where it will fly ... we will see ... that's the beauty of it ... one just has to have faith in the future ... as the market will tell ... and if we fail ... for sure it was damn worth trying.

big thanks to the #incrowd ... yes you know all who you are ... instrumental to make things happen ... we love you.

at your service










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