
1/32 Fokker DVII OAW - Wilhelm Leusch - Premium Edition - Gothaforce
Gothaforce A2 Billboard Fokker D.VII OAW Wilhelm Leusch

Buy 3 Premium for 600€

Preorder 3 Premium Edition kits and get 3 kits @ 200€ a piece instead of 225€ each. This is applicable for all Premium Editions (excluded Seven Samurai). The Buy 3 for 600€ condition is automatically applied.

As several of you have already asked and as granted: If you would like our Seven Samurai Special to be part of a 3 kit deal ... just shoot us a message. That is priced at 625€ and we will send you a corresponding discount code.

#gothaforce kits

What makes Special Edition Fokker D.VII OAW 3.0 Seven Samurai so special ?

For a start ... it's our first bird in a series ... to remove the shackles of history ... the leading bird of Jasta GF. Ronny Bar is very proud of it ... and that's an understatement.

Fokker D.VII OAW 3.0 Seven Samurai comes in a Limited Edition style boxart, will include Yoko, our female samurai commander of Jasta Gothaforce, and will be packed in an exclusive #gothapack featuring our logo on 1 side but specifically adapted to feature Seven Samurai artwork on the other side.

Fokker D.VII OAW 3.0 deserves the best packaging ... just as a pair of shoes.

Over the coming days ... we will share how this all came about. Stay tuned!


Anderson art

Enjoy the works of an artist that captures the true spirit of the pioneering age of aviation at its finest.

The award winning Birds of a Different Feather is simply magical!